Feb 9, 2016 - 5.45 pm
Zingari Rugby Club - Meet at 5.45pm as buses will leave at 6.00 pm sharp.
The countdown is on until Tuesday 9th February 2016 for the OPIA Bus Trip and BBQ. Members meet at Zingari Rugby Club, Eglinton Road at 5.45pm (parking available) for departure at 6pm SHARP.
Each bus will take a slightly different route and visit several properties along the way (residential, commercial, student). At the conclusion of the bus tour BBQ Bill will provide a scrumptous two course buffet meal. Please notify us if you have any dietary requirements by Thursday 4th February. Phone 03 477 6220 or email opia@opia.org.nz. There is plenty of opportunity to chat away with fellow investors. A cash bar is available. The evening concludes at approximately 9.00 - 9.30pm.
Cost $35.00 for members or $45 for non-members with priority given to members. Registrations close on Friday 5th February as this is the last day for confirmation of numbers.