Otago Property Investors Association Inc

03 477 6220


Register for Are Your Finances In Check?

Money. Not always the most exciting topic in the world for most people. But talking about money doesn’t need to involve dry financial terms and even dryer financial speakers. Those who have heard Lisa Dudson speak know how she can make the highly important topic of money interesting… and even fun! She prides herself as being one of the few financial experts that actually speaks in terms people can understand. Her presentations are full of useful advice and ideas that participants can take home and use to achieve their financial and lifestyle goals. Learn more about Lisa by checking out her website www.acumen.co.nz.

Come along, bring your children, grandchildren, neices or nephews to hear Lisa give an inspirational presentation to help them to move ahead in life.

Lisa will be bringing copies of her latest book which has been discounted from $40 to $25 for OPIA members. Please bring along cash on the night if you can.

Thank you to our major sponsor, ANZ bank for providing the raffle prizes. Bring along your small change or eftpos will be available for you to buy your raffle tickets. Proceeds go towards purchasing resources for our members.

The library will be on display - feel free to browse through and select the books you wish to take away with you or return the books you have at home.

Here's What Others Say About Lisa
"Lisa Dudson was an inspiring speaker at one of our Waikato Property Investor meetings. Speaking to a packed audience of about 300 members, she provided meaty, informative concepts for managing one’s finances and growing wealth overall. We encouraged our members to bring their children and were pleased to see them patiently absorbing Lisa’s nuggets of information for almost two hours! An impressive feat in itself! An accomplished businesswoman with an easy listening style and obvious enthusiasm for sharing her financial knowledge, Lisa made this one of our most memorable and talked about meetings. We will be more than happy to invite her back to speak again.”
Michele Coker, Waikato Property Investors Spokesperson

  Option Joining Fee Annual Fee
Attending Per Person Total
1 person 2 people

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