Otago Property Investors Association Inc

03 477 6220


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Archive: September 2022

Monthly Coffee Chat Group - September 2022

Come along to our monthly coffee club. You can pop along have a coffee or some lunch and chat with like-minded investors. President- Kathryn Seque is hosting and will have other OPIA executive members there as well so feel free to come along. You must register as if no one is registered to come it won't be held. The Plaza Cafe also has a play area for children so feel free to bring along your children.
24-09-2022 more >>

Trade Expo - Meet Our Business Partners & Tradespeople

Make a point of joining our business partners, tradespeople and advertisers for a closer look into their new products and services. Also see more efficient ways of going about your renovations. There will be ample opportunity to chat with the presenters while they update you and showcase their latest catalogues. Of course no event would be complete without giving away some great prizes on the night . MUST REGISTER FOR EVENT!
20-09-2022 more >>

Housing: blame the Government

Tim Horsbrugh, President of Wairarapa PIA, has this article published in the Wairarapa Times
17-09-2022 more >>

Comparing the cost of different types of rentals

There are people and organisations that would prefer rental properties to be provided by social landlords like the state or Community Housing Providers (CHiP’s). They make the argument that social housing providers charge lower rental prices and offer better security for tenants and the Government appears to agree. But is it true?
17-09-2022 more >>

Chris Bishop- National Party Housing Spokesperson

Chris is the National spokesperson for Housing and Urban Development. Come along and hear what he has to say about the new RTA, healthy homes and interest deductibility rules. There is an opportunity to talk to him about your investment property concerns and ask him any questions.
06-09-2022 more >>

Reversal of the rental tax would be great as well

There are similarities between the tax increase on superannuation fees, now reversed, and tax increases on rental property.
01-09-2022 more >>

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