Otago Property Investors Association Inc

03 477 6220


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Archive: June 2019

AGM & Andrew King- NZPIF Executive officer

Come along to our fun AGM and vote on the new executive for the 2019/2020 year. After we get that out of the way we will have the NZPIF executive officer Andrew King speaking about all the changes happening around tenancy law and everything thrown at it in the past two years. Andrew is the person you see in the media talking on behalf of the NZPIF and often deals with the Government directly to try and get us landlords heard. This will be a popular one so register early!
18-06-2019 more >>

POP UP MEETING- Healthy Homes Info night

With the new Healthy Homes Act now law come and learn about what it entails and how you will have to bring your rental property up to standard. A special meeting run by the OPIA to help you get healthy home ready. We will go over all the new requirements and also some of the products you can use to do this at minimal cost using OPIA and NZPIF discounts and tips from Cliff (Current OPIA president) about what he does to make it easier and cheaper. This event is a must register event as it is looking to be very popular and we may have to limit numbers so make sure you reg now! Tuesday 4th June 2019, 7pm
04-06-2019 more >>

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