Otago Property Investors Association Inc

03 477 6220


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Leigh Braden- Renovations, Rental and more. Luke Nicholls from Keyhook.

Come and hear Southland and Central Otago investor Leigh's story. Leigh is a long-term hands-on investor, renovator and developer. 
Started investing from humble beginnings in 2006 along with her husband Phil. Set up and run boarding houses for 11 years in Queenstown with more than 100 tenants.
Renovated more than 50 properties in Invercargill, Riverton and Queenstown and still going.  Created a successful property development niche by relocating second-hand houses and relocating to renovate and rent.  

Also hear from Luke Nicholls from Keyhook.  Keyhook is a simple and intuitive app built to enable the everyday Kiwi landlord to better manage their rental property.  Landlords use Keyhook to collect rent and chase arrears, conduct video inspections, complete maintenance, and a whole lot more.  By using Keyhook to perform a majority of the tasks involved in running a tenancy, landlords save themselves time and money, and reduce their risks, all the while becoming better landlords.


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