Otago Property Investors Association Inc

03 477 6220


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Archive: July 2017

Accounting and You Malcolm Wong from Cook North & Wong Ltd Chartered Accountants

Come to this meeting on 27 July and keep up to date with the changing accounting and tax & GST requirements. Make sure you are claiming all possible legitimate repairs and maintenance expenses. Come along and listen to Malcolm Wong of CNW - Cook North and Wong Ltd Chartered Accountants He is happy to answer your questions
27-07-2017 more >>

Demystifying Health & Safety

The term 'health and safety' features frequently in the media these days. Find out more on July 4. As Landlords we have a responsibility to our tenants and tradespeople and ourselves to operate a healthy and safe rental property environment. Scott Weatherall is a common sense Health and Safety Consultant. His philosophy is not about stopping kiwis having fun its about doing it safely. If you have any specific Health & safety related issues you want answers to - please email opia@opia.org.nz and we will pass them on to Scott ahead of the event.
04-07-2017 more >>

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